
令和5年度 第2学期始業式・ALT新任式






始業式の後は、ALT新任式を行いました。1学期終業式に5年間在籍していただいたプリンセス先生にお別れをしたところですが、今回新たにフィリピンからGeorge Christopher Libres Cabatay(ジョージ クリストファー リブレス カバタイ)先生が着任しました。クリス先生と呼んでください。クリス先生、これからどうぞよろしくお願いいたします!


           クリス先生                         生徒代表あいさつ



Good morning, everyone.

I hope everyone's doing well today. I am truly honored to stand before you as part of Yaita Higashi school community. From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my sincere gratitude for this incredible opportunity.

I must admit that I felt a lot of emotions before coming to Japan ― excitement, anticipation, and yes, a lot of nervousness. But these emotions remind me of something important: starting new journeys often brings a mix of feelings, and that's what makes the adventure truly remarkable and worth embracing.

As your Assistant Language Teacher, I am here to help you on your English learning journey. There will be times when things will be difficult, but I will always be here to help you. Whether you need help with English studies, want to discuss your favorite comic books or movies, or simply want to chat about anything, I'm here to listen and talk to you. My goal is to support you and make learning English a fun and enjoyable experience.

But this isn't just about me helping you. I am excited to learn from all of you as well. Each of you has a unique story, perspective, and set of experiences. And I'm genuinely looking forward to hearing them from you.

Again, I want to express my gratitude for being welcomed into the Yaita Higashi school community. Your kindness and warmth have made me feel right at home, and I couldn't be happier to be here.

As we start our classes, let's make a promise ― a promise to support each other to have fun together, and to celebrate both of our failures and success together.

Thank you very much. Douzo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.