

     Hello everyone!  My name is Sophie Thomas and I am the new assistant language teacher at Ashikaga Seifu Senior High School.  I come from the city of Adelaide in South Australia.  I studied English, politics and education at the University of Adelaide.  I also went on an exchange to the University of Toronto in Canada.  This is my first visit Japan and I'm very excited to explore Japan and learn Japanese.
     Learning a new language is not always easy, but it is a valuable life skill.  Learning another language opens many opportunities for your future careers, travel and for making new friends from all over the world.  There are lots of ways you can practice English outside of the classroom, such as watching English movies and TV shows (see how much you can understand without subtitles!) and reading English books, magazines and newspapers.  I am looking forward to teaching English to you.
 こんにちは みなさん。 私の名前はソフィー・トーマスといいます。足利清風高校の新しいALTです。オーストラリア南部のアデレードという市の出身です。アデレード大学で英語学、政治学と教育学を学びました。交換留学生としてカナダのトロント大学にも留学しました。日本を訪れるのは、今回が初めてですので、日本中を訪ねたり、日本語を学んだりすることにわくわくしています。