Farewell, 3rd-year students.

Hello.  This entry is for the graduating 3rd-year students. 
Congratulations! Soon, you will be graduating from Moka Girl's Senior High School, and you will be starting a new chapter in your life.  I am sure that you have a mixture of emotions right now.  Perhaps, you feel sad because you will miss many of the teachers and fellow classmates that became a big part of your life these past 3 years.  In 3-years time, you have developed very strong relationships with teachers and other students.  I am sure that many of you have had a sense of 'family' here at Moka Girl's High School.  You all have taken an amazing ride together through the thick and thin.  I hope you will always cherish the memories that you have made together at this school.  I hope that your experience at Moka Girl's High School has helped you to develop positively as a person, and I hope this experience will help you to lay the foundation for success and happiness for the rest of your lives.  Please live life to the fullest.  There will be many happy times as well as many sad times.  However hard life may seem as you enter adulthood, always remember that hardships are a natural part of life.  Through hardships, we gain experience.  Through experience, we gain knowledge and wisdom.  I always thought of life as a jet coaster.  Jet coasters have many surprises.  We never can tell what will happen next.  In a jet coaster, there are many up's and down's, and twists and turns.  This provides for an incredible experience.  We can feel scared and nervous, yet, excited and thrilled all at the same time.  When the ride is over, can't you look back on the challenge you just took and say 'Oh my god, that was an unbelievable experience!!! However...I survived.  I did it.  I am glad I decided to take the challenge and do it, because now it is the best feeling of accomplishment in the world!!'  I think life should be the same experience like that of a jet coaster.  Take risks and challenges.  Never be afraid of taking on challenges in life.  If you just believe in yourself, you can conquer anything.  Go for it!
Good luck, and once again, congratulations.  I will miss you.  Please create a bright future for yourselves!
Remember, graduation is the end of a long journey, but it also marks the beginning of another adventure. 
Take care and enjoy the ride!!!!